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You have a story to tell. We'll help you tell it better.
We collaborate with your talented team
to envision a coherent strategy,
then bring it to life.
We spread the word
in targeted, comprehensive campaigns
that bring fresh eyes to your message.
Our team knows more than most about great food, and shares a passion for seeking out memorable meals wherever we may find them - from fine dining temples to the humblest dive bar.
Whether hunting down a rare can of craft beer, savoring a patiently aged wine or sipping an artfully mixed Old Fashioned, we know how good a truly good drink can be.
Our wealth of experience in hospitality, combined with years of communications experience, makes us your ultimate connection to both journalists and your guests.
Clare Pelino, President
Michael Greger, Senior Account Executive
Leah Blewett, Senior Account Executive + Digital Communications Specialist
Twitter: @ProfileTip
Instagram: @profiletip
Facebook: ProfileTip
In a challenging publishing world, cookbooks continue to thrive.
If you have a great idea, we can't wait to hear it.
Once your book becomes a reality, ProLiterary and Profile
work hand-in-hand to promote your efforts and drive sales.